Energy Medicine - Part 3 - Living Cells, Energy, and You

In the past two articles about energy, we have reviewed the background behind the discovery of the mysterious interactions, currents, wavelengths and frequencies that govern and measure motion, life, and communication. This background is merely useful for opening up our minds to the concept of how much energy and frequencies and magnetics and electrical devices are influencing our lives today that we take for granted, whether we understand them or not. In order for us to recognize the potential impact of energy and frequencies on the body, let's start by understanding how individual cells function in our bodies.

Years ago, DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) was discovered. Its discovery was touted as an enormous scientific breakthrough, which indeed it was. Wikipedia's first two paragraphs introduce DNA as follows:

"Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and some viruses. The main role of DNA molecules is the long-term storage of information. DNA is often compared to a set of blueprints, since it contains the instructions needed to construct other components of cells, such as proteins and RNA molecules. The DNA segments that carry this genetic information are called genes, but other DNA sequences have structural purposes, or are involved in regulating the use of this genetic information.

Chemically, DNA is a long polymer of simple units called nucleotides, with a backbone made of sugars and phosphate groups joined by ester bonds. Attached to each sugar is one of four types of molecules called bases. It is the sequence of these four bases along the backbone that encodes information. This information is read using the genetic code, which specifies the sequence of the amino acids within proteins. The code is read by copying stretches of DNA into the related nucleic acid RNA, in a process called transcription."

Understanding DNA, however, is only a part of the whole picture. If DNA represents a cell's blueprint, then we must explore how the individual parts in the blueprint (the cells) communicate with each other to send messages of pain, repair, renewal, reconstruction, infection, danger, and so forth.

Each cell must be able to ingest nutrients, metabolize nutrients, excrete byproducts (toxins), experience growth and mobility, provide protection, and communicate with other cells. The DNA in each cell is needed for the division of cells and for the production of new proteins. It is surrounded by regulatory proteins that need specific vibrational frequencies that unravel the regulatory proteins in order for the DNA to perform its function. The regulation of each cell is triggered either by certain molecules that may be a hormone, a growth factor, neurotransmitters, OR the electromagnetic frequency of those molecules. This will trigger secondary events inside the cell which include the influx of calcium or the triggering of cyclic AMP (adenozinemonophosphate). These secondary events activate specific processes inside the cell which may increase enzyme use, protein production, or other biochemical processes. The cell then uses its energy to pump the calcium out of the cell and resume the slow biochemical processes. Interestingly enough, the function and regulation of the cell does NOT need DNA. The cell will function without DNA until the proteins are used up. Then, without DNA, new repair proteins cannot be made, so the cell will eventually die.

Integrins are adhesion molecules that link the inside of the cell to the outside of the cell and from each cell membrane to the matrix that surrounds and supports the cell. Regulation of the cell takes place through these integrins. Every cell has an ideal resonant frequency for its development, its defense and for its own repair. Each cell has been preprogrammed to die (which we call apoptosis). And new cells will take their place. For instance, the lining of the gut will completely turn over 10,000 times in a lifetime; bone and fascial tissue will turn over 10-15 times in a lifetime, and enzymes are replaced every few seconds. Understanding that the body does indeed renew itself , depending upon the tissue type, several times during a lifetime, is essential to understanding how the body can repair itself when placed in a healing environment with the needed nutrients.

Let's look at how individual cells communicate with each other. Every cell of the body is connected to every other cell through the tissue matrix. Every organ is surrounded by fascial tissue. These cells communicate with each other because we can measure an awareness of any event or injury at a distant site. Cell connections form, break down, and reform as cells change and move.

How do groups of cells communicate? Think about the primitive radio set you may have constructed as a Boy or Girl Scout. Sets are still available that, when put together, will become an actual radio that will receive transmissions. This receptive process is accomplished by the use of a crystal in the radio set.

We use hard crystals as a device for receiving and giving off different frequencies of energy. Interestingly, our biologic tissues are liquid crystals that generate electrical fields when compressed or stretched. These include connective tissue, the myelin sheath which surrounds every nerve, and muscles. The electrical fields that are generated initiate remodeling of the cells or metabolic regeneration.

The collective frequencies of surrounding tissue regulate the processes of the local cells. If certain cells shift out of harmony, the healthy surrounding tissue will reinstall the correct frequency. When too many cells shift for a long enough period of time, as in physical trauma or chronic emotional stress, a disease or disorder will result. These "dis-eased" cells need energetic pharmacology to correct the abnormal frequency, or to cancel the pathological frequency.

If we turn our attention to understanding communication pathways in the whole body, we can start to recognize the connection between the various healing modalities that have existed in all cultures throughout the world for millennia. Healers have recognized various energy pathways as being ways to access injured or impaired tissue and channel the healing energy to it.

Acupuncture meridians are low-resistance pathways for the flow of energy into every cell of the body. When we experience physical or emotional trauma, these will impair energy pathways, which reduce the cells' ability to repair and defend themselves. Disease ensues. This trauma experience is actually stored in the tissue itself (a thought which is interesting in light of the religious perspectives on forgiveness, judgment, etc.).

Much has been said recently about the "string theory" of quantum physics, a theory that propounds the idea that all things are interconnected. Wikipedia describes the string theory in part with this compelling observation: "The elegance and flexibility of the approach, however, and a number of qualitative similarities with more traditional physical models, have led many physicists to suspect that such a connection is possible. In particular, string theory may be a way to "unify" the known natural forces (gravitational, electromagnetic, weak nuclear and strong nuclear) by describing them with the same set of equations, as described in the theory of everything."

Additionally interesting is the idea that everything is receptive to, and can record, input. Recently, we learned of the oldest recording (you can listen to it on MP3 at this website: This fascinating recording was made on April 9, 1860-17 years before Edison invented the phonograph!-by Parisian inventor Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville on his "phonautograph" - a device that scratched sound waves onto a sheet of paper that had been blackened by the smoke of an oil lamp. Scott made the recording with the intent to analyze sounds visually, not to play them back. Nevertheless, the sounds were actually recorded in the scratches upon the blackened pages. We once watched a television show wherein a pot was being thrown on a potter's wheel at the same time as a conversation was being held in the room. The conversation was actually recorded in the clay surface of the pot. Cells, and the objects of which the cells are comprised, while seemingly impermeable, are capable of storing memory. While not well understood, this capability has been recognized for years!

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